When your players score, you have to be ready.

Ready for what, Ringo?

To celebrate man. You gotta dance, especially when watching the games with your friends, haha! Check out the best dances of all-time. Okay well at least the funniest ones, haha! Let’s start out with former Oilers’ great, Billy “White Shoes” Johnson, whose version of The Funky Chicken is classic. Winner winner, chicken dinner. I can’t get the link directly below to work, so just copy and paste it. (press Control C and then Control V). Note- you might need to open another browser window.


Of course, on the other side of the dance floor, is Raj (played by Ernest Lee Thomas) dancing with a total cutie- Maria (played by Irene Cara- who later on sang, Flashdance, in the 80s) in What’s Happening, haha! Oh, what a feeling! Instead of The Funky Chicken folks, here’s The Funky Klutz, haha!

And then there’s, Ralph (played by Jackie Gleason) and his friend Ed Norton ( played by Art Carney) from The Honeymooners, trying to brush up on their skills before they take their wives out dancing. Ralph even upgrades his wardrobe, haha!

*Background note- this episode was filmed in 1956. When Norton uses the term be gay, he means be happy and carefree. That was the context back then.

No, no, no. That ain‘t dancing, Sally. Haha!

Ringo’s tip- Loosen up. You’ve got to loosen up. Start to relax. Start to feel, who you are, haha. See Vinny Barbarino (played by John Travolta) from Welcome Back Kotter below doing The Barbarino.

But, if you really want to be cool, like dancing legend, Mark Ringo. You’ve gotta do the Tom Willis (played by Franklin Cover) dance from the sit-com The Jeffersons. *

Note- Tom is the tall, overweight middle aged, white guy, haha. Click the Facebook logo (box with the f in it below)

And then there’s Carlton ( played by Alfonso Ribeiro) doing The Carlton, from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Just make sure when you’re practicing, the house is empty, haha! Will (played by Will Smith) joins in during the last episode.

Here are some of the best TD dances so far. However, I never played in the NFL so there’s room for improvement, haha. The second video is The Ickey Shuffle, from former Bengals’ TD dance legend, Ickey Woods, haha.