Las Vegas Sucks Now!

If you haven’t been to Vegas in awhile and are planning to go on vacation, I’ll give you the cliff notes version first in case you’re short on time, it sucks! Full disclosure, I haven’t been there in a long time. Even then I was a casual visitor. Part of that was because of life, (I currently help my elderly mom), and my bank account is nowhere close to Warren Buffett, but the main reason is because of what a ripoff it has become. I was hoping to go more often. I live much closer, now. I almost went in 2023, but the prices were exorbitant.

I had a chance to go in 2023. My friend, Chad, was taking a vacation with his family and called and wanted to see if I was interested in meeting up with them. Even though I had to help my mom, I probably could have managed to escape for a few days, since I’m in a nearby state. I decided to do some research on the internet to get a ballpark figure of how much it would cost. I figured, even with inflation, it wouldn’t be that much. Boy was I wrong! (somewhere my readers who read my fantasy articles just rolled their eyes and uttered sarcastically under their breath, Ringo, we’re shocked, haha!) The Vegas that my late dad knew, where it was cheap, and they treated guests like royalty is dead now. It’s extinct like the dinosaurs, who once roamed the earth. I first went back in 1999, I think, and stayed at The Stardust. The food wasn’t as cheap as I was led to believe (like in the 70’s and 80’s), where they practically gave it away, but it was still reasonable. They had a good sportsbook and the hotel was iconic, imo. I met a friend of mine from the gym (Kelly) and his roommate out there, who stayed at The Luxor, and we had a blast.

About ten years later I got a promotion at my job and wanted to celebrate, so my friends and I stayed at The Mirage. Without a doubt, The Mirage was my favorite hotel, with only one negative- a common one in many Vegas casinos- the smoke in the casino. Despite that, The Mirage was my vibe. It was a beautiful resort, with the wood and rock on the walls, the giant atrium and natural light that entered, and the aquarium with fish, behind the front desk. (see the 2nd video below this paragraph of what The Mirage looked like). Hell, even the air freshener they used in the lobby smelled tropical (before you got to the smoke in the casino that is). Their sportsbook was top notch. Big screens, an electronic odds board on the wall, it was awesome. They had a poker room too, where we played a few sit-n-go’s of No Limit Texas Hold Em’. They also had a buffet (Cravings) that was delicious and although not cheap, was still reasonably priced given the quality. They even had a 24 hour diner where we could grab a cheeseburger or pancakes, which my friends and I did, and it was even more affordable. We talked about our lives and just enjoyed the moment. That was, without a doubt, my favorite part of the trip. Okay, well maybe after going to Spearmint Rhino. Hey, I’m a guy and I’m single- deal with it, haha! Anyway, the customer service at The Mirage was good, the room was clean, (no bed bugs) and it was a memory I still cherish today, just like the ones Alan, Phil, Stu, and Doug made from The Hangover, haha!

My last trip was in 2013. My dad passed away in 2012. He lost his battle with cancer. He was my best friend. After caring for him and handling his affairs, I told my friend, I need a vacation. You’re welcome to come. My friend, Chad, is a good guy. He knew how crushed I was after my dad got sick and soon after, passed away. He cleared it with his wife and kids and went with me. That meant the world to me. We went to The Mirage in March 2013. Going to Vegas for March Madness was a bucket list item for me. I’m a huge March Madness fan and since sports betting wasn’t legally widespread back then, as it is today across much of the U.S., it was even more exciting to go. And while the vacation was more expensive than a few years earlier, it was still affordable, especially when my friend’s wife booked our trip. She got us a great deal ($800 for airfare and hotel for Wed night-Sunday during one of Las Vegas’s busiest weeks). We even got a free shuttle from the airport and a free meal at the restaurant, comped. I’m still amazed at the deal she got us. She’s one smart cookie. We went to the WestGate theatre to watch the games because they had a viewing party that was non-smoking (I’m allergic to cigarette smoke). I think we paid like $30 each for the seats and got a free t-shirt too. I ended up winning my small bets, enough so that the vacation cost me nothing, well minus what I spent at Spearmint Rhino, haha. Winning was pretty sweet! But more importantly, it helped me forget about the most traumatic thing in my life, the loss of my best friend, my dad. I learned it was okay to have fun again and forget my problems, even if it was just for a few days.

Anyway, fast forward to 2023. My same friend who went with me to Vegas the other two times (Chad), asked if I wanted to meet up with him and his family (wife and kids) up in Vegas. I live in a nearby state, so I started researching the costs. My jaw dropped when I saw how much the prices had increased. A bottle of water at many hotels was $12 and went as high as $22. And I drink a lot of water. The few buffets still left were $60 minimum and some even higher There weren’t many 24 hour, affordable diners like the one we went to at The Mirage. (*Note- they were staying at another hotel.) Resort fees had increased the price of rooms and this time I couldn’t split the cost of the room. Parking fees were now the norm at every casino. Table minimums were $25 or higher. Even the rates for taxis and Ubers had increased a lot. After crunching the numbers, I dejectedly told my friend I wouldn’t be able to make it. I just can’t justify spending $20 on each water, $70 on meals, etc. I’m not even a big gambler, and even without gambling much, I couldn’t justify the crazy amount of money it would have cost me.

Fast forward again to today. It’s February 2025 and prices are totally out of control. Corporations, and a lack of competition, have ruined this desert oasis. The old business model of bringing customers in on cheap flights, offering affordable food, and comping them so they have a fun time and want to come back again and again is long gone. Now every bean counter, in every department, is looking to shake you down for as much as they can get off of you, so they can get their bonus. They mistakenly think it’s Monte Carlo now. Maybe it’s the F-1 racing? I don’t know. I’ve got news for them though, It’s not. It’s just a town in the middle of the f-ing desert- nothing more. And for me, it’s time to cue Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank (see video below)….I’m stunned at their greed! Their absolute greed! They had an opportunity to make money off of me. Vegas, you’re dead to me now. You’re gone. I don’t even know who you are. With your current business philosophy of price gouging customers like me, until there are major changes and prices decrease dramatically, there is no next time!

So my advice is to boycott Vegas until those outrageous prices go down, and go down a lot, for good. Screw them! They don’t value me or you as customers. If they did, they wouldn’t be price gouging guests at every turn. And then after getting royally screwed, as if that’s not enough, I’m expected to tip generously. I have no problem with tipping and tipping well. I actually factor that into my vacation budget. But if you’re going to treat me like a chump, then not only am I not going to tip well, I’m not even going to go. Why should I? I can go to better and more affordable restaurants where I live. I can bet on games where I live. I can go to buffets, casinos, and restaurants that are much cheaper and are just as good. I can enjoy as much water as I want… for free! Or I can take a vacation at a beach resort for much less. So if you guys suffer a slow down, which they are now, (that’s a shame by the way- not!!!). If you lose your job at the casino, too bad. If your casino/hotel goes bankrupt (looking at you Resorts World and Fontainebleau (home of the $24 for 6 nachos deal, $95 baked potato, and $1,000 steak. And no, those aren’t typos!). My understanding is both of those resorts are in deep financial trouble. Here was my rant on Twitter, not just for them, but for any casino in Vegas, especially the ones on the strip.

Ringo’s Rant on Twitter
Well, the casino execs have to be some of the dumbest ones out there. They thought they were being smart by screwing guests with ridiculous resort fees, parking fees, restaurant prices, high room rates, etc. All they did was piss people off by gouging every f-ing thing. 1/

I'm curious where they think their future customers are coming from? They've pissed off their loyal customers, pissed off casual customers, pissed off locals, pissed off nearby customers with parking fees, and future customers are drowning in college debt. Inflation for rent, houses, food, medicine, cars, etc. are out of control. How is a new grad, with a bunch of debt, going to afford a $2,000 month rent or a $400,000 house, and a car, and then use their discretionary income to go to Vegas and pay their fees/high prices? Fortunately, for me at least, I’m not a new grad. Note- the sugar high from the free government checks during the pandemic is over. Also, people have to pay rent again. Another factor to consider, how are some of the California customers going to come when many don’t have a f-ing home right now? And they might not get reimbursed from insurance companies after those tragic wildfires. I could be wrong, but I see storm clouds on the horizon for Sin City. 2/

They honestly think people are going to spend $100 on lunch or dinner? $50 for a cheeseburger? $20 for water? $25/$50 lowest level limits? $50 for room service for a pot of coffee at The Wynn? $350 for room service breakfast at The MGM? $20 bottled water in the refrigerator? How high is it going to increase next year? Newsflash- you’re located in the f-ing desert! Ringo’s pro tip- How about loading the refrigerator with complementary bottled waters, you greedy a-holes?! No food, drink, or room comps on sports bets or anywhere, no deals on food, nothing? I’ve got news for you. There's a recession heading for the U.S. Good luck attracting guests you greedy s.o.b’s! 3/

I'm single. I own a home. I can usually afford to go, as long as I’m not careless with my money. However, not everyone is so fortunate with a wife &/or kids. It’s not cheap having a family. And even I won't go, out of spite. They can take their price gouging and shove it up their backside. The only way I'd even consider going now is if I get a deal on my trip, which includes food, drinks ,etc. like before. 4/

And I used to love Vegas. But the execs running the show now seem to think it's Monte Carlo and I’ve got news for them…it's not. And it never will be. There’s nothing special about Las Vegas. There are no scenic views, or beaches. It's just a town, with a lot of lights, in the middle of the damn desert! I can get better deals elsewhere. They're charging $500 to watch March Madness for half the day or the Super Bowl in a sportsbook, just to sit down and watch tv! They're out of their damn minds!!! Remember, desert is two letters away from being deserted. 5/

Whoever thought filling the strip with expensive, swanky a la carte restaurants, owned by high-profile chefs like Gordon Ramsey was a good idea, was a f-ing moron! Know your audience!!! Most people want a good sit down meal or buffet (steak/seafood) at an AFFORDABLE price or comped. I’m not paying extra for a potato, vegetables, salad, and maybe soup. They should come with the damn entree, you tools! The old school way was to use this as a loss leader in order to bring people into the casino. People want to eat, drink, bet, get comped, and have a good time, but they can’t do that if you’re gouging them everywhere else. 6/

I don't want to see a concert at the Sphere or see hockey or the A's!!! Honestly, if I really wanted to see the A’s I would have just gone to Oakland in the past! Besides, I can go to baseball games where I live. I don’t need to go to Vegas to watch a baseball game or see a concert. I want an affordable vacation where I'm treated like a king and not treated like crap!! It's not a hard concept. 7/

Business 101- treat your customers well, because once you lose them, you have to work twice as hard to get them back. And now you’ve got to work real hard to get me back, because I don’t trust you anymore. You’ve broke the basic tenets (unwritten rules) of our deal. You think treating me and other guests like crap is okay. It’s not. I don’t reward that behavior. Another tip, when you treat customers well, they leave happy and you develop brand loyalty. They’re more likely to come back and spread goodwill via word of mouth. That’s the most valuable advertising there is. However, the flip side of that is bad word-of-mouth advertising. And Vegas is getting plenty of that on social media. All I can say is that it’s well-deserved. They sure as hell earned every scathing tweet. Hey, I was only on the Dean’s list in college, but what do I know? 8/

Additional thought- closing one of the most beautiful hotels like The Mirage was criminal, imo. Of all the dumps the owners of The Hard Rock Casino could have bought and closed such as: Circus Circus, Excalibur, Luxor, etc. they had to buy my favorite hotel (The Mirage) and close it. Why not just remodel The Mirage with new carpeting and other upgrades, instead of getting rid of it for yet, another Hard Rock Casino- unf-ingreal!!! I hope they go broke, along with the rest of them!!!

Finally, if I think of anything else, I’ll add it. But unless Vegas totally changes its current business model back to the original formula, I’m out. I have zero interest in their current strategy of price gouging me for $12 waters, $100 a la carte dinners. F-that!!!! F-them, their executives, their $40 million salaries, and their shareholders!!! The only thing I care about is being treated well. And right now that’s not happening. I’m being taken for granted and royally screwed. And I sure as hell am not bringing a girlfriend there so I can get price gouged twice as much as usual! I’d advise the rest of you to do the same. That’s the only way things will change. The person who is willing to walk away from the deal is the winner when negotiating. I’m walking away. And, I could care less if I ever go back because the town I loved, what made it great, no longer exists. It’s gone.

*Note- I'm also available as a consultant for these struggling casinos, for a fee of course. Let's call it The Ringo Fee! What can I say? I learned from the best, haha!

Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta'

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta’
A real gangsta-ass fantasy analyst plays his cards right
A real gangsta-ass fantasy analyst never runs his mouth
'Cause real gangsta-ass analysts don't start Twitter fights

And everything's cool in the mind of a gangsta’
'Cause gangsta-ass analysts think deep
Up three-sixty-five a year, twenty-four seven
'Cause real gangsta ass analysts don't sleep

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta’
Helping drafters find some late round steals
Although I was born in Chi-town
Now I'm in the league makin' deals

Damn it feels good to be gangsta’
I mean one that you really don’t know
Because when I hit on my longshot sleeper
They’ll remember that score fo’ sho’

Now gangsta-ass analysts come in all shapes and colors
Some got killed with their takes in the past
But this gangsta’ here was a smart one
Started telling awful jokes that will last

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta’
A real gangsta-ass analyst knows how to play
Drafting the players who score a lot of TDs
Racking up W’s is my way

These other so called “experts” give lots of stats
Either in their TPS reports or on their fancy sites
But most of those stats don’t matter
It’s all about your players makin’ highlights

In August, these fools talk a lot of smack
That’s not Ringo’s style, he’s no cocky ass, pranksta’
All he cares about is helping folks win titles
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta’

Ringo's Final NFL Mock Draft 2023- Kansas City

Here’s my best guess at the madness that will ensue on Thursday night.

Done Wednesday, April 26, 2023

1st- CAROLINA- QB Bryce Young

2nd- HOUSTON- DE Tyree Wilson / DE Will Anderson QB C.J. Stroud / QB A Richardson If Bryce Young slips, he’s the pick. That seems unlikely. New head coach, DeMeco Ryans, loves Will Anderson. He’ll get more say than most head coaches. Mike Lombardi doesn’t like Will Anderson. Peter King says watch out for Tyree Wilson. Houston is listening to offers. I’ll go with Tyree Wilson.

3rd- ARIZONA OL Paris Johnson

4th- INDY- QB Will Levis Supposedly this is between C.J. Stroud and Will Levis. Levis is not thought of highly by a lot of GMs, but supposedly Indy likes him a lot. He is more pro-ready to start right away. The Colts could also go in another direction here if they trade for Trey Lance or Lamar Jackson. If they do Levi’s could be in free fall.

5th- SEATTLE- DE Will Anderson

6th- DETROIT- CB Devon Witherspoon

7th- LAS VEGAS- DB Christian Gonzalez

8th- ATLANTA- RB Bijan Robinson

9th- CHICAGO- OL Peter Skoronski

10th- PHILADELPHIA-- DL Jalen Carter

11th- TENNESSEE- QB CJ Stroud

12th- HOUSTON DE Myles Murphy

13th- GREEN BAY OL Broderick Jones

14th- NEW ENGLAND DE/EDGE Nolan Smith

15TH- N.Y. JETS- OL Darnell Wright

16TH- WASHINGTON- CB Emmanuel Forbes

17TH- PITTSBURGH- CB Deonte Banks

18TH- DETROIT- DL Mazi Smith

19TH- TAMPA BAY- QB Anthony Richardson

20TH- SEATTLE- WR Jaxon Smith-Njigba

21ST- LA CHARGERS- WR Zay Flowers


23RD- MINNESOTA QB Hendon Hooker


25TH- NY GIANTS- DB Brian Branch

26TH- DALLAS TE Dalton Kincaid

27TH- BUFFALO DL Bryan Breese

28TH- CINCINNATI- TE Michael Mayer

29TH- NEW ORLEANS- DL Calijah Kancey


31ST KANSAS CITY RB Jahmyr Gibbs

Ringo's NFL Mock Draft 2022- Las Vegas

Here is my best guess at how this draft will play out as of this minute 4/27/2022 12:27 Central Time Predictions are subject to change at a moment’s notice. I will probably look foolish. If you bet the NFL Draft, bet within your means and expect to lose. Also note, the position that uses is crucial for being considered a winning bet- especially with EDGE rushers DL vs LB, or safeties vs CB, or RB vs WR. The NFL Draft is always unpredictable. There are bound to be some surprise picks and trades. Note- if you’re in Las Vegas you’ll need to make your bets at least 24 hours before the start of the draft. My understanding is they will stop taking bets after that point per Nevada law.

1. JACKSONVILLE- Travon Walker- It sounds like Walker is who GM Trent Baalke wants. He goes for upside and Walker is quicker than Hutchinson.

2. DETROIT- Aidan Hutchinson- It sounds like the Lions are going edge. This is almost too obvious it scares me. Hutchinson is a tough leader, both on the field, and in the locker room, to build a good culture. He seems like a Dan Campbell guy. He could also excite the local fan base and help sell some tickets. Kayvon Thibodeaux is also in play. I’ll go with the local guy, but last year Detroit drafted Oregon LT Penei Sewell so they have plenty of info on Thibodeaux.

3. HOUSTON– Derek Stingley- The word is Head Coach Lovie Smith wants Derek Stingley. Whether Houston wants to take him here or risk it that they can grab him later at pick 12 is the million-dollar question. EDGE and OL are also in play here. If the Lions go Thibodeaux, Hutchinson would get heavy consideration. Smith is known for building his teams through a strong defense.

4. N.Y. JETS– Ickey Ekwonu- The word is the Jets are either going edge rusher or OL. If Travon Walker slips he could be the pick. Since I’m assuming he’s long gone, I’ll take Ekwonu.

5. N.Y. GIANTS– Evan Neal. The Giants need help at OL. Evan Neal and Charles Cross fit the bill. If they don’t like Neal’s injury history or are not impressed with Cross, EDGE Jermaine Johnson could be a mild surprise.

6. PHILADELPHIA TRADE UP PREDICTION WITH CAROLINA Jameson Williams Carolina would ideally like to trade down. The Saints and the Eagles are reportedly looking to move up. Since it’s hard to fathom the Giants wanting to deal within their division, the Eagles will need to deal with either Carolina, Atlanta, or Seattle to leapfrog the N.Y. Jets at 10 to ensure they get their guy. If Hutchinson falls to Houston at 3. The Texans could trade up from 12 to grab Stingley here. Minnesota also could trade up to grab Stingley here.

7. NEW ORLEANS TRADE UP PREDICTION WITH N.Y. GIANTS- Garrett Wilson. The Saints were not happy with Michael Thomas last year. Don’t be surprised if he gets dealt. Wilson provides an electric playmaker. Also in play is OL. The Saints need to replace Terron Armstead. Charles Cross could also be in play. He played just up the road at Mississippi St. I’ll go with Garrett.

8. ATLANTA WR Drake London- Atlanta is a trade down candidate. If they keep the pick Drake London is a possiblity.

9. MINNESOTA TRADE UP WITH SEATTLE- Ahmad Gardner- Keep an eye on Minnesota jumping up a few spots to grab the best DB on the board in Ahmad “ Sauce” Gardner. The Sauce is the Boss. Seattle could move down and grab an OT they desperately need in Charles Cross.

10. SAN FRANCISCO- TRADE PREDICTION Deebo for N.Y. JETS pick- The rumor is that this is a done deal. NY Jets Head Coach Robert Saleh knows Deebo and the Jets need playmakers on offense for QB Zach Wilson. If this trade goes down the 49’ers could look at WR or DB. If for some reason the trade falls through- it sounds like the Jets are eyeing Jermaine Johnson.

Mental Health Draft Strategy

This past year has been tough on so many people. I’m no exception.  Whether it’s the financial stress from businesses being forced to close, spending time in isolation away from friends and family, or losing a loved one, each are the products of living in a pandemic.  These issues are in addition to the normal stressors we deal with in our daily lives.  Most of us get some respite from stress by playing in fantasy football.  The best day of the year is draft day!  We devote hours to analyzing players, reading articles, and developing a strategy on how to win.  And yet most give little regard for our most precious asset- our well-being.  Instead, we should spend a little time developing a mental health draft strategy to help us cope.

My background-  Back in 2012 I was in graduate school.  I went back to school trying to make a career change into school counseling.  I wanted to make a difference in children’s lives.  During my final semester I learned that my dad had pancreatic cancer.  While all cancer is bad, pancreatic is one of the worst diagnoses you can get.  The survival rate isn’t very good.  My dad and I were very close, maybe more so than others.  I’m an only child.  No brothers, no sisters, it’s just me.  He was my best friend.  He loved me unconditionally.  I wasn’t the smartest, the richest, or the most athletic.  He didn’t care.  He was always there for me.  As my dad’s health deteriorated, the sense of utter helplessness and sadness engulfed me.  My life was like the scene in Top Gun when Maverick loses control of the jet and goes spinning out of control, into the sea.  Even the premier medical institution in the world, The Mayo Clinic, said there was little they could do.  On July 15th, 2012 I lost my best friend.  My dad died and a part of me died with him.  There will always be a gaping hole in my heart that no amount of money or beautiful women can fill.  My life was shattered.


Climbing Back from the Abyss- A New Normal-  I hate terms or labeling people.  I wouldn’t say I was depressed.  There’s such a negative connotation to mental health in general.  We all deal with stuff though.  Whether it’s grief, getting rejected, anger, etc. I was just sad.  That’s normal when your best friend dies.  Fortunately, I had some friends to lean on that helped me cope with my grief.  Just being there, willing to listen to me or invite me over to hang out, helped me a lot.  Another thing that helped me was, oddly enough, fantasy football.  I started playing back in 1991.  The first time I played it, I was hooked.  I always looked forward to draft night and seeing some of my college friends.  Going back to doing something I love was huge for me in 2012.  A few years later I took things to a new level.  I started writing fantasy football articles.  And while I had dreams of working in the industry, it helped me cope with my dad’s loss.

How to Cope-  Writing was one thing that helped me, but it wasn’t the only thing.  You have to find hobbies that you enjoy.  Here are some other things that helped me cope:

Eating healthy & regular exercise- Just like RBs are the foundation of your fantasy football team, eating healthy and regular exercise are the foundation for your mental health.  Grilled fish, grilled chicken, and vegetables helped provide the fuel for my body.  Exercise provided the outlet to burn it off.  It’s good for your physical and mental health.  Working out helped me in the past whether I was getting over a breakup, or had a frustrating day at work. It also helped me with my biggest heartbreak- losing my dad. I always felt a little better after a good workout at the gym. 

Avoid alcohol and drugs- Don’t use stress as an excuse to engage in unhealthy behaviors.  I’m not a big drinker, but when I went to Vegas I got hammered after my dad died.  Once in a while is okay, but doing it regularly is not good for you, either physically or mentally.  Alcohol is a depressant.  It makes you feel down in the dumps.  Drugs are even worse.  That’s poison.  Don’t put poison into your body. 

Stop and smell the roses- It’s amazing how calm I get when I go for a walk, especially in the summer.  Mine is more of a slow stroll.  I’ll check out the different architecture in the neighborhood.  I also like to listen to the birds chirp or watch the squirrels run around.  Enjoy the moment.

Volunteering- This is on my to do list.  Helping at an animal shelter or a food bank will trick your mind into not focusing on your misery and instead you’ll concentrate on helping others in need.  You feel better about yourself, like you’re making a difference, which you are.  When we help others we feel better about ourselves.  For now, one of the things I started doing was picking up litter and throwing it away during my walks.  It annoys me seeing cans and liquor bottles on my walk.  I always feel better after I clean up.  I made my small part of the world a better place.

Setting a Goal-  Maybe you can’t afford to volunteer.  Times are tough.  Even accomplishing a small task for the day like making your bed or doing the dishes will give you a sense of accomplishment. 

Animals- Earlier I mentioned watching animals in the summertime.  Unfortunately, Midwest winters are pretty brutal.  One thing that helps me is watching videos of animals.  People probably wonder why I have a picture of a parakeet on my Twitter background and on my website.  It’s because of a video I saw on YouTube.  Disco the Parakeet knew more than 100 phrases.  He had a style and personality all his own, kind of like yours truly.  Disco has a bunch of videos on YouTube (see one of his below). He always puts a smile on my face. I watch him every day.

Laughter- I’m a strong believer in laughter.  It’s okay to laugh, even when things aren’t going great.  A sit com like Two and a Half Men or Seinfeld usually hits the spot. I’m thinking about taking an improv class in the future, just for fun.  I probably have a whole season of material with some of my lousy fantasy football takes haha!

Avoid Toxic People- This goes for being online and offline.  Life is too short to deal with trolls. If people want to be rude, screw them.  Just block them.  The same goes with offline.  Even if it’s family members, if people aren’t treating you with respect that you deserve or caring about you as a person- the hell with them.  Just make up an excuse and avoid that scenario. 

Know Your Limitations- I know driving by my childhood home or the cemetery where my dad was laid to rest will be tough.  I won’t do it.  I’ll drive an extra 20 minutes around it just to avoid feeling that pain.  Also, certain movie scenes like the one in Field of Dreams when Kevin Costner says, “Dad, do you want to have a catch?” is too tough for me to watch.  I have to change the channel. 

Religion- I won’t sit here and say I’m the most religious guy.  I’m not.  I say a prayer and try to be a good person. That’s pretty much it.  I just hope there’s a heaven and that I’ll see my dad again, when it’s my time, after a long life.  As Andy Dufresne told Red in Shawshank Redemption, “Hope is a good thing.”

Counseling- Earlier I mentioned leaning on my friends helped me a lot.  Not everyone has friends like that.  Even friends can only do so much.  Sometimes seeing a counselor can help.  I say counselor, not a psychologist, because a counselor looks for the good in people.  Psychologists look for what’s wrong with people.  Focus on the positive

I would love to sit here and tell you do these things and that you’ll never have another tough day feeling down or angry.  But that’s not the truth.  The truth is some days are good and others are not.  Father’s Day is always hard for me.  This past one was not fun.  July 15th (the anniversary of my dad’s death) is another tough one.  However, using some of these strategies has helped me cope.  Hopefully, they’ll help you too. 


Mark Ringo




New NFL Divisions by Geography- Ringo's Suggestions

Do you ever sometimes just feel like you need a change? Whether it’s a new haircut, a new shirt, or moving to a new city- sometimes change is good. After the draft, I started doing some thinking. That’s always dangerous, haha! Seriously though, why is Buffalo not in the AFC North? I mean they’re on the border with Canada for Pete’s sake. And why is Miami not in the AFC South? They’re the southernmost big city in the continental United States. I’m sure it was done for monetary reasons, but isn’t it time for a change? Why not make the divisional teams closer in proximity to each other? Maybe this could inject some juice into some fan bases and create some new rivalries. As Pete Brady used to sing, “When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange”, haha! So, without further adieu, here are my suggestions for new divisions.

AFC East
NY Jets
NY Giants
New England

The Big East and the Battle of New York- fuhgettaaboudit! How intense would it be for New Yorkers to watch this rivalry develop twice a year? J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets! Pretty cool- I guarantee it! Also, a little NY Giants- New England Super Bowl rematch. The Battle of the Chowdah- red or white, Manhattan or New England style? That’s a wicked pissa!

AFC North

The Rust Belt Division- Detroit and Cincinnati/Cleveland can get a little Michigan-Ohio rivalry going- just like college except both teams in the NFL usually stink, haha! They should play those games in The Horseshoe and Michigan Stadium. Hail to the Victors! Another benefit, three of the teams can take a boat ride down Lake Erie for their games with the exception of Cincinnati. Coronavirus for everyone on the Lido deck.

AFC South
Tampa Bay

The SEC- Tennessee, Georgia, and two Florida teams (Jacksonville doesn’t count- they might move to London soon anyway). The Battle for Florida would be epic just like those great games with Florida State, The U, and the Gators. In addition, the world’s largest cocktail party sequel- Georgia vs the Florida teams. Miami is the southernmost city in the NFL. Why they’re in the AFC East and not the AFC South is mind boggling to me.

AFC West
Kansas City
Las Vegas

The Mountain West Desert Division, Kansas City is on the way to the Western part of the U.S. and then it’s the Battle of the Rocky Mountain teams- Denver, Arizona, and Vegas, with plenty of shootouts. Don’t forget about the Raiders’ cool new stadium- The Death Star.

NFC East

The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC). Baltimore and Washington are pretty close to each other. Fans could enjoy the Battle of the Beltway Washington-Baltimore rivalry. The only thing that could rival it is the bi-partisan bickering in Congress. In addition, newly hired Washington head coach Ron Rivera can take on his old team, Carolina, twice a year.

NFC North
Green Bay

The only change here is Indy replaces Detroit, but it feels like the Big Ten conference. The Colts can get a Super Bowl rematch twice a year with the Bears, but nothing compares to the Bears-Packers rivalry. Just think how much better it would be if the Bears offense could actually score a TD, haha!

NFC South
New Orleans

This has Friday Night Lights written all over it with the Battle of Texas. Texans can drop everything and tune in to see who’s the top dog in the Lone Star State- Houston or Dallas? Next door, New Orleans can develop a rivalry with both of their neighbors to the West.

NFC West
L.A. Rams
L.A. Chargers
San Francisco

The Pac-10/ I-5 Pacific Coast Highway Conference. I’m not sure if LA can support two NFL teams, but if it can how about a UCLA-USC type rivalry in the Battle for L.A.?

Well those are my suggestions. Some of the oldest NFL rivalries are great and should remain in tact. After all it’s tradition. However, there are plenty of others where some tinkering could do some good. It’s time for new rivalries to emerge and energize their fan bases. What do you think?

2019 WestGate Supercontest Final

Week 17 Results 4-1

The lousy Bears barely covered, despite playing against Minnesota’s backups- ugh! They are truly a disgrace. They should have whipped them. The Packers didn’t show up in Mo-Town. They were lucky to win straight up over the Lions. They were my lone loss. Elsewhere the Chiefs took care of business and beat the Chargers. Mahomes is one of the best QBs I’ve ever seen. He could carry them to a title. Tennessee covered easily against Houston’s backups. Derrick Henry is a force. Finally, in a pick em game, fittingly the Falcons covered in overtime on a walk off Jameis Winston int.

Hey 4-1 still works for me. Just like George Costanza I’m leaving on a high note. It’s been a fun year. I always wanted to try this. The lines were set on Wednesday and I had to pick 5 games a week regardless if I liked them or not. Technically my winning percentage is 53.5%, but since it’s my website I’m rounding up to 54%. Any time you’re above the betting mendoza line (52.4%) against the spread- it’s a good year. Maybe I’ll try this again next year. Only 9 months until the 2020 season starts- ugh!

Season Results 44-38-3 54% winning pct 45.5 pts

Week 17- WestGate Supercontest Picks

**Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 16 Results 3-1-1

Another good week, however, it could have been even better. Houston had the Buccaneers sunk in Tampa Bay, but let them off the hook for a push. Jameis Winston had 3 interceptions before you could blink. The Texans really should have rolled through them. The Steelers’ offense is a shell of themselves and didn[‘t show up in New York against the Jets. I didn’t love that game, but figured they’d be motivated to beat LeVeon Bell. Fortunately, New England was able to scrape out a cover vs Buffalo. I think the Bills are a paper tiger. They’ve beaten the cream puffs, but can’t come through vs the upper echelon teams yet. After a slow start, the Ravens got it going with Action Jackson leading them to a 1 seed in the playoffs. He’s an amazing athlete. Finally, the Chiefs rolled over the hapless Bears. Pat Mahomes had an extra incentive to play well. Bears GM Ryan Pace was one of 9 GM’s who passed on him & Mahomes let everyone know he hasn’t forgotten that slight on draft night. Pace will never live that mistake down and it could very well cost him his job. One week left- lets try to end it on a high note.

Season Results 40-37-3 52% winning pct 41.5 pts

**Note picks subject to change prior to game time

Atlanta (Pick) at Tampa Bay

Chicago (+1) at Minnesota

Green Bay (-12.5) at Detroit

Kansas City (-8.5) vs LA Chargers

Tennessee (-3.5) at Houston

Week 16- WestGate Supercontest Picks

**Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 15 Results 4-1-0

Finally a good week! Where has that been for the last month? And it could have been even better. Only the Seahawks prevented me from a perfect week. That one should have been in the bag. Seattle was up 30-10, but Carolina came back and hooked me by half a point-ugh!!! At least I’m above 50% again. Let’s try and stay there this time.

Season Results 37-36-2 51% winning pct 38 pts

**Note picks subject to change prior to game time

New England (-6.5) vs Buffalo

Baltimore (-10) at Cleveland

Houston (-3) at Tampa Bay

Kansas City (-6.5) at Chicago

Pittsburgh (-3) at N.Y. Jets

Week 15- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 14 Results 0-4-1

I give up. No mas! If you fade me you’ll be rich.

Season Results 33-35-2 48% winning pct 34 pts

*Note picks subject to change prior to game time

Baltimore (-15) vs NY Jets

Green Bay (-4) vs Chicago

New England (-9.5) at cincinnati

Kansas City (-9) vs Denver

Seattle (-6.5) at Carolina

Week 14- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 13 Results 1-4

I’m not sure what gets colder quicker- the temperature in November or my lousy picks. The Bears should have mauled the Lions who were forced to start a 3rd string QB. Yet they barely survived, pun intended. Carolina did even worse and outright lost to the pathetic Redskins, which sealed head coach Ron Rivera’s fate. The Chargers also lost to the Broncos (who started rookie QB Drew Lock) despite having Derwin James come back. The Patriots lost in Houston. I found out after the fact that 9 New England players had the flu which didn’t help. Only the Chiefs came through for me- and saved me from the dreaded goose egg. Those picks should have done better. 3rd string QBs and rookie QBs usually struggle. The strategy was sound, the results were horrible. Four weeks left and the way things have been going lately- the end of the regular season can’t come soon enough.

Season Results 33-31-1 50% winning pct 33.5 pts

** Note- picks subject to change prior to game time.

Dallas (-3) at Chicago

Minnesota (-13) vs Detroit

Seattle (Pick) at LA Rams

Philly (-9.5) at NY Giants

Green Bay (-12.5) vs Washington

Week 13- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 12 Results 1-4

What a brutal week! Mom said there would be days likes this. I didn’t like last week’s card and it showed. My most confident pick was the Ravens- at least I nailed that one. They won in a laugher and saved me from getting a goose egg. Lamar Jackson could carry them to the title. The Raiders didn’t show up in New York. The Lions lost to the hapless Redskins led by rookie QB Dwayne Haskins- unreal! New England was close but couldn’t muster enough offense to cover against Dallas. The Steelers got hooked by the Bengals. QB Mason Rudolph was pulled for being lousy again. I feel much better about this week’s card. We’ll see how it goes.

Season Results 32-27-1 54% winning pct 32.5 pts

*Note- picks subject to change prior to game time.

Chicago (-4.5) at Detroit

Carolina (-10) vs Washington

Kansas City (-10) vs Oakland

LA Chargers (-3) at Denver

New England (-3) at Houston

Week 12- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 11 Results 3-2

After a shaky start, I rebounded to have a plus week. That said, it could have been a lot better. The Vikings didn’t show up in the 1st half. They came roaring back to win the game, but not enough to cover….Out West the Bengals played the Raiders tougher than I thought. 10.5 is a lot of wood to lay and too much for both the Vikes and Raiders. Fortunately, Dallas had little trouble with Detroit. The Lions defense was no match for Dak and Zeke. New England got back to their winning ways beating the Eagles on the road. The Eagles WRs crew is pretty beat up. Scoring was at a premium for them…..On Monday Night, the Chiefs survived against the Chargers despite a late drive by Phillip Rivers in the final minute. 3-2 is not bad, but it could have been better. I liked the Browns, Bills, and Colts too, but decided against them. 4-1 or 5-0 would have really padded the win total. That;s another aspect why the Supercontest is so tough, you can have a good overall week but if you go with the wrong games and leave others out it can really hurt your percentage. On to week 12!

Season Results 31-23-1 57% winning pct 31.5 pts

*Note- picks subject to change prior to game time.

Baltimore (-3) at LA Rams

New England (-6.5) vs Dallas

Oakland (-3) at NY Jets

Detroit (-3.5) at Washington

Pittsburgh (-6.5) at Cincinnati

Week 11- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 10 Results 2-3

What a crazy week! The Chiefs had a great shot to cover, but fell apart the final few minutes. The Rams offense never showed up and the Steelers beat the defending NFC champs with a backup QB. The Rams offensive line is really a train wreck and Jared Goff needs a clean pocket to thrive. In the Lone Star State Dallas made some questionable coaching decisions in a stunning loss (to me anyway) at home to the Vikings. Dalvin Cook ran all over them. The Vikes won despite being without WR Adam Thielan. Green Bay covered by the slimmest of margins- stopping Christian McCaffrey at the one foot line. Finally, my last minute change (going to the Bears and off of the Saints) saved me from an even worse week. Chicago came back after a slow start to beat the Staffordless Lions. The Saints were shocked at home by the lowly Falcons. 2-3 won’t get it done, but things could have been a lot worse. Had I stuck with the Saints and McCaffrey gained one more yard I could have been looking for an 0-for- ugh! At least I added two more wins to the total. On to week 11!

Season Results 28-21-1 57% winning pct 28.5 pts

Week 11 arrives and my first instinct is the card doesn’t look great this week. Let’s start off with Dallas. I like the Cowboys provided Matthew Stafford sits again. If he plays, laying 6.5 points is too much for me to give on the road and I’ll probably change it. Keep an eye on his health as the week progresses…...Minnesota hosts Denver. Their defense should have a field day with the Broncos offensive line. In addition, crowd noise in the dome could make hearing difficult, hampering getting off the snap in time….. Elsewhere, I’ll take the Chiefs (3.5) vs the Chargers who play at a neutral site in Mexico City. I expect Kansas City’s offensive line will be healthier. QB Pat Mahomes should carve up LA’s secondary…… The Raiders host a hapless Bengals team. They should win, the only concern is can they cover? Laying 10.5 points is a lot, but they do get to go against a backup QB and a shaky offensive line. Cincinnati is also in the running for the first pick of next year’s draft. It’s just something to remember…… Finally, give me New England on the road vs Philadelphia. The Eagles defensive line is a problem, but their secondary can be had. I expect a lot of quick passes to Julian Edelman, James White, and Mo Sanu. Having a bye last week should help the Patriots come into this one healthy and hungry to redeem themselves.

*Note- picks subject to change prior to game time.

Dallas (-6.5) at Detroit

Minnesota (-10.5) vs Denver

Oakland (-10.5) vs Cincinnati

New England (-3.5) at Philadelphia

Kansas City (-3.5) vs LA Chargers in Mexico City

Week 10- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 9 Results 2-3

Just when you think you start to understand things life throws you a curve ball. Last week I felt very iffy about my picks and went 4-1. This week I felt pretty confident and went 2-3. That’s life in the NFL. Philly and Carolina hung on after controlling most of the game, but San Francisco gave up an 88 yard TD to Andy Isabella late in the 4th Qtr which gave the Cardinals the cover- really?? To a team with no offensive line no less where the defender goes for the int and whiffs …well done. Unfreakinreal! Cleveland and New England ran into a buzz saw. How the Browns lost to a backup QB on a struggling offense is mind boggling? The pitchforks are out in Northern Ohio and someone is going to get axed soon. As for the Patriots they finally met their match. Lamar Jackson ran all over the NFL’s top rated defense. They had no answer. He was the fastest player on the field by far- Michael Vickesque. In addition, the Patriots leaky offensive line finally gave way. We’ll try to turn things around in week 10.

Season Results 26-18-1 58% winning pct 26.5 pts

The byes are in full force and these are some the toughest weeks to pick in the Supercontest because of the limited choices. Pat Mahomes is back- will he and his balky knee hold up is the question. I’ll take KC- they’ve got plenty of firepower to cover 3.5 on the road. Dallas’ defensive line should create havoc for Kirk Cousins. Give me the Cowboys at home. The Packers took one on the chin last week. I think they’ll bounce back I’m just not sure if they can cover. Give me the team with the better QB- I’ll take Aaron Rodgers over Kyle Allen. The Rams and Steelers is another tough one. I’ll go with LA. Aaron Donald and Jalen Ramsey are two of the games best. I think they’re too much for young Mason Rudolph at QB even though the game is in Pittsburgh. Finally, the Saints host Atlanta. I’m not crazy about this pick, but I have to pick 5 games regardless. Drew Brees, Jared Cook, and Alvin Kamara are all back and should start gearing up for a playoff push. Matty Ice should return for Atlanta. Have the Falcons packed it in or did they need the bye week to rest up? i’ll tentatively pick the Saints, but 13 points is a lot of wood to lay. I might change this pick to another game as the week draws closer- stay tuned! I’m going with the Bears instead- God help me. Matthew Stafford is out and they turn to Jeff Driskel. Even Driskel might be better than Trubisky- we’ll see.

*Note- picks subject to change prior to game time.

Kansas City (-3.5) at Tennessee

Dallas (-3) vs Minnesota

Green Bay (-5) vs Carolina

LA Rams (-3.5) at Pittsburgh

Chicago (-2.5) vs Detroit

Week 9- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 8 Results 4-1

Wow- some close shaves! I should get Barbasol to sponsor last weeks picks. I won both the Patriots and Rams games by one point. However, just like Vin Diesel’s character Toretto from The Fast and the Furious said, “Ask any driver- it doesn’t matter if you win by a little or win by a lot, winning is winning.” The Packers gave me a sweat, but pulled it out. Aaron Rodgers & Aaron Jones were too much for an injury riddled Chiefs’ defense. The Eagles showed up and played much better winning handily in Buffalo. They needed that one and it showed. My only loss was the Colts at home. The Broncos played them tough enough to cover the 5.5. Hey 4-1 is really good- especially since I didn’t like a lot of the games. My win percentage is up to 61%- hopefully we can keep it rolling in week 9.

Season Results 24-15-1 61% winning pct 24.5 pts

The Bears offense is a train wreck. Mitch Trubisky’s confidence is shaken and they’re calling for heads to roll in Chicago. Give me Philly at home in what is another very important game for them. I know the Browns lost in Foxborough last week, but playing a backup QB this week is much better matchup than Tom Brady. I’ll take Cleveland to bounce back. Speaking of Tom Brady - the undefeated Patriots are only laying 3 - granted it’s on the road against the explosive young QB Lamar Jackson, but like I said last week when all else fails I’ll go with Belichick and Brady who cover at a 60% clip during their era. San Francisco is coming off a big win at home versus Carolina. I’m not crazy about this pick, but Arizona’s offensive line is horrible. Nick Bosa should be all over Kyler Murray. Finally give me Kansas City only if Pat Mahomes starts. If he doesn’t I will most likely go with either Green Bay (-3.5), Dallas (-7), or Carolina (-3.5). I’ll have to think about that.

*Note- picks subject to change prior to game time.

Philadelphia (-4.5) vs Chicago

Cleveland (-3) at Denver

New England (-3) at Baltimore

SF 49’ers (-10) at Arizona

Carolina (-3.5) vs Tennessee

Week 8- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 7 Results 4-1

Pat Mahomes finally succumbed to the body blows he’s been taking and his knee gave on a QB sneak. It didn’t matter against Denver though. Matt Moore relieved him and the Chiefs gave the Broncos an old fashioned beat down. Under the definition of holding penalty in the NFL rule book there should be a picture of Denver offensive lineman Garrett Bolles. His pass blocking has been awful this year. It’s another in a long line of blown picks by GM John Elway who, despite being a Hall of Fame QB, has to be feeling the heat. He’s just had too many misses in both the draft and free agency. Aaron Rodgers showed the critics he’s still far from being through. The Pack crushed the Raiders at home. The Vikes went into Motown and lit up the Lions defense like a pinball machine. Kirk Cousins is gaining confidence and the Lions defense finally showed some cracks- especially after suffering some injuries. After a slow start Jacksonville (minus recently traded all-pro cornerback Jalen Ramsey) came back and won it going away in the 2nd half against a hapless Bengals team. Only the Houston Texans failed me on the road in Indianapolis. Their secondary was picked apart by Indy QB Jacoby Brissett which like a major Achilles heel for them moving forward. I didn’t really have a strong feeling about Houston, but you have to pick five games in the Supercontest regardless. I’ll take 4-1 every time. It feels good to be back on track. Let’s hope the hot streak continues. On to week 8.

Season Results 20-14-1

Week 8 and I don’t feel strong about most of these which is usaully a bad sign- you were warned! Well when all else fails take the Patriots. They’re like 60 % vs the spread in the Brady/Belichick era. That said they could easily not cover this- it’s a big line vs a talented Browns team. Cleveland’s offensive line is a concern and that’s where this game will be decided. The one game I do like is the Packers. Aaron Rodgers is 100 times better than Matt Moore and the Chiefs last opponent Joe Flacco. Give me Green Bay on the road. Philly- eh-I don’t know. On one hand- they’re pretty banged up. On the other- this is a big game for them though. They need a win. I’m hoping Wentz & Co can gut one out on the road. Fletcher Cox needs to have a big game on defense. They’re dogs so if they win so do I. Indy takes on the hapless Broncos at home. I’m hoping their run game dominates along with a boost from explosive rookie WR Parris Campbell who is set to return. In the process I’ll bet against Broncos offensive linemen Garrett Bolles too. He never saw a holding penalty he didn’t like. Finally, I’ll lay the wood with the Rams. I hate when ex-coaches play their former teams (Note Cincy head coach Zac Taylor was an assistant under Sean McVay so he knows the Rams inside and out). However, all-pro DB Jalen Ramsey has pumped life into a Rams team trying for a playoff push. Aaron Donald could have a big day vs a weak Bengals offensive line. As with many of my picks- the Rams should win, but will they cover? That’s the million dollar question. We’ll see.

*Note- picks subject to change prior to game time.

New England (-13) vs Clev

Green Bay (-4) at Kansas City

Philadelphia (+1.5) at Buffalo

Indy (-5.5) vs Denver

LA Rams (-13) vs Cincy

Week 7- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 6 Results 1-4

What started out so promising ended up in a crash and burn. Hopes of going 5-0 after a nice late cover by New England on Thursday night went down in flames on Sunday. Washington was in control of the game and then for some incredibly stupid reason, Miami, a team that’s trying to tank mind you, pulled QB josh Rosen from the game and put in veteran Ryan Fitzpatrick. Had I known that I never would have picked the Redskins. The Dolphins almost won it, but their comeback was enough to cover and ruin my Redskins pick. Dan Quinn should be fired. How Atlanta lost to the Cardinals is baffling. Equally baffling is the Chargers losing at home to the Steelers 3rd string QB. I missed the Packers game. I was on a date. Apparently the Lions deserved to win. Maybe the Packers felt a let down after beating the Cowboys in Dallas. Their WR core got pretty banged up. I have no answers except now you know why I put my disclaimer in every week. On to week 7.

Season Results 16-13-1

Week 7 Picks

*Note- picks subject to change before game time

Kansas City (-3) at Denver

Green Bay (-4.5) vs Oakland

Houston (+1) at Indy

Minnesota (-1) at Detroit

Jacksonville (-3.5) at Cincy

Week 6- WestGate Supercontest Picks

***Disclaimer- these picks are for fun and to see how bad I do. If you wager - only bet what you can afford to lose. Always assume you’re going to lose. Never risk the mortgage, rent, or your kid’s college education. There is NO such thing as a sure thing- especially with my lousy picks. If you risk more than you can afford and lose- that’s on you. I told you so! In the Supercontest - you must pick 5 games each week- whether you like them or not. I may not like some games but I still have to pick 5 so keep that in mind. Their rules not mine.

The 2018 winner beat out 3,122 other participants. Typically it takes around a 65% winning pct to have a shot at winning it all. In 2018 the winner went 70% against the spread- just unbelievable! Anyway I just want to do this for fun and see how it goes.

Week 5 Results 2-2-1

After a slow start the Patriots mauled the hapless Redskins- ousting head coach Jay Gruden in the carnage. The Vikes won handily against Danny Dimes and his Giants. Let’s not induct him in the Hall of Fame just yet folks. The Vikes defense is a tad bit tougher than Tampa and Washington’s. The Chiefs were upset by the Colts- no one saw that coming. And down in Nashville Cairo Santos missed 4 field goals for Tennessee in a game they should have won and covered. It cost him his job and me my Titans pick. Man do I hate kickers- gaa!!! Finally the Ravens blew a lead and then rallied for a push against the Steelers. Pittsburgh was down to it’s 3rd string QB after losing Mason Rudolph to a concussion and still the Ravens couldn’t win by more than 3- unreal! There’s aren’t any time outs in the Supercontest to regroup- on to week 6.

Season Results 15-9-1

The Patriots should crush the Giants- their defense is stifling. weather conditions will be a factor with gusty winds in New York. The Redskins go down to South Beach. Their defensive line could wreak havoc on the Dolphins offense. I expect a heavy dose of AP and ball control. Give me the Redskins. Atlanta goes out West to the desert. they should have too much firepower for the Cardinals defense. Julio Jones and Devonta Freeman should have big games. The Packers host the Lions. I’ll take Green Bay although this could be a trap game after an emotional road win in Dallas. Finally the Chargers are favored by less than a touchdown against the Steelers 3rd string QB in LA. I’ll take Phillip Rivers all day with that line. However, if 2nd string QB Mason Rudolph plays I’m off of that game and will switch to Dallas (-7) at NY Jets.

*Note- picks subject to change before game time

New England (-17) at NY Giants

Washington (-3.5) at Miami

Atlanta (-2.5) at Arizona

Green Bay (-4) vs Detroit

**If Mason Rudolph is out- I’ll take the LA Chargers (-6.5) vs Pittsburgh and their 3rd string QB. However, if Mason Rudolph starts, I’ll instead take DALLAS (-7) at NY Jets